Rivista "IBC" XII, 2004, 3

Dossier: Carattere Europa

musei e beni culturali, biblioteche e archivi, dossier /

Towards an integrated access to European book production (abstract)

Rosaria Campioni

Knowing rare book collections in other countries' libraries is the first step to trace and study the success of authors beyond national frontiers; two Italian authors of different time and interest are a good example of circulation and success of their works. The research is nowadays made easier by the growing number of records in HPB: more than 1,600,000 to this day. The database is made possible by the cooperation of 72 CERL's members. European cooperation can also pave the way for new research perspectives opening up in the most important printing museums, which have to face the digital scenario, as it came forth into view at an international conference held in Parma for the 40th anniversary of the Museo Bodoniano.

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